English 04 combines a programme of self-access learning at the Language Center with a series of thematic work modules to be covered in class based on the students' field of study). The modules focus on language, texts and writing skills specifically targeted at what students learn in the context of their departments. Aim of this course is to familiarize students with terminology of their field as they are expected to have learned around 1,000 new terms upon completion of the course. Weekly-based quizzes (20%) throughout the semester and a final exam (80%) will determine the students' final mark.

English 02 offers an extension of the grammar and vocabulary skills initiated in English 01 with a further emphasis on academic reading and writing skills. In addition to the minimum 25-hour attendance recommended for the completion of level 02 materials at the Language Center, students may also register in writing skills, conversation or grammar tutorials provided at the center. The mark will be based on a final exam and the online submission of weekly exercises found on this e-learning environment.The final exam will be marked out of 7. The online activities contribute 2 marks out of 10 and the attendance in the English talks10.

NOTE: Students who have a B2 certificate in English are not exempted from the exams this semester. Only holders of a C1 or C2 certificate shall not sit the final exam.